About Us - Mua Lashes Collection
Company Profile:
Mua Lashes brand was founded in 2017. Lily & Lisa the two lovely girls who run the company have always had a passion for beauty industry. They believe that every girl worth for good and pretty lashes. Lily and Lisa have the excellent sense for the lashes models, every lashes they collected are always incredible nice looking when you wear them. After quite a lot years experience in lashes market. They find it’s very important to chose the lashes made out by top material. Also, the way to make the lashes is the secret to make top quality lashes. Top lashes not only looks nice but also stay very long on the curve, natural and feeling of wear. In order to get the top quality lashes price down. Lily and Lisa nearly run all over the workshops in China. Now, we have our own four workshops to make the lashes. As a lashes brand dedicated to offering top pretty affordably lashes. Mua will always keeps the idea for lashes to make your pretty.
Email me mualashescollections@gmail.com if you need any help, I will reply you as soon as possible!
Email me mualashescollections@gmail.com if you need any help, I will reply you as soon as possible!